Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Art of Being Sexy

Being sexy...comes from being aware. Aware of self, aware of's about allowing yourself to like the other person, I think. To make them feel genuinely good about themselves as you feel good about yourself.

It's about being okay with making a little bit of a fool of yourself for the sake of stirring passion or fire.

It's about responding to the flare of someone's else's nostrils as they catch a whiff of your essential fragrance. It's the meeting of eyes. It's the glance away. It's the confidence to see the flaws and the inherent beauty within and deciding the beauty and genuine originality of self far outweighs the flaws.

It's knowing you are worth spending time with...and making sure the other person realizes your time is valuable and you've chosen to spend some of it with them. It's about leaving before you're asked to leave.

It's the tilt of the head, unashamedly licking your fingers clean of a tasty sauce, in a manner that is both delicate and greedy at the same time.

Being sexy means you take care of yourself...taking time to get a damn mani and pedi, even when the idea is repugnant, because you know'll have enjoyed the back and leg massage, even as your nails look gorgeous.

It's a low whisper, humming a song, a friendly smile, a flirty wink.

Above all it is about being interested and interesting.

Finally, sexy is about sex...inspiring someone to think about you and sex at the same time.

Do you think this covers it?


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